Monday, February 2, 2009

Longggg Day

I don't know why but I have been really down lately. I felt pretty sad the entire day and I didn't really get any better until the very end when I skyped with John. I wanted us to wait until we actually saw each other to see each other again, but it just got too hard. It was so nice to "see" him. I felt like we were drifting apart a little bit. But seeing him smile at me made my heart smile.

So, in working towards my goal today I did pretty good.

I ate:

Slim fast shake 200
Tequila Lime Chicken soup from select harvest 140
Apple 60
Salad... I'm gonna guess somewhere around 450 but it had spinach, hard boiled egg, beans, cous cous, green beans, banana peppers, a little bit of Caesar dressing.... that was basically it. It was really satisfying.
Cheerios with milk 150
total: 1000 calories

I did the shape workout again today, but this time I only did 3 sets. I was feeling really light headed this morning and I was also running out of time before my class. Tomorrow I plan on doing the Shape workout before class, and after class either doing sprints at the track... or getting on the elliptical machine. I feel like I workout really hard on the elliptical and I burn a lot of calories. Anyways, it was a long icky day. I wanted to run after I got out of class, but it was FREEZING so I will just have to make up for it tomorrow.

I'm rambling. I am exhausted and I am going to "hit the sack" as my dad likes to say. (I miss my family a lot! But I get to see them at the end of February I think!! yay :) ) Alright. I will probably check my weight at the gym tomorrow, but my current goal is not a number, I'm trying to fit into a certain pair of jeans that are taunting me before I see John... 9 days :) I can't wait.

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