Friday, February 20, 2009

I want results!

So... I've upped my cardio time from an hour to an hour and a half... I burn about a thousand calories... + a little bit. Today I did the elliptical for 1 hour 40 minutes. I burned 1215 calories. I feel pretty good about that except that I'm really sleepy now. Also I signed up for the National Body Challenge. I put in my height and weight and I set a goal for eight weeks from today. By April 17th my goal is to weight 147 pounds. Today I weighted 162. Sooo that is a total weight loss of 15 pounds. That sounds good, I would love to lose twenty, but I will work hard and see where I am in 8 weeks. I'm still watching what I eat. It's a little bit harder because I'm burning so many calories, but I think I'm still burning more than I consume. ( I should start keeping track again but I'm feeling lazy!) Anyways, wish me luck and feel free to ask questions or give me suggestions. I could use all the support I can get!

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